University of Oregon undergraduates interested in materials science or performing research in an MSI-related lab should review the research pages of MSI faculty and email the appropriate faculty requesting information about any available undergraduate research openings.
Summer Research Programs:
Spend your summer at the University of Oregon and get hands-on experience in a materials science lab!
The University of Oregon offers a variety of programs for undergraduates to learn about different aspects of materials science and get hands-on research experience in the lab. Whether you are looking for a one week or ten week experience, you’ll have the opportunity to work alongside graduate students and faculty using state-of-the-art instruments during the week and enjoy the local recreation adventures on the weekends.
Undergraduates who are looking for a summer-long research project to gain vital skills in the lab should check out:
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
With the National Science Foundation, MSI sponsors a ten week summer undergraduate research program for Physics and Chemistry Majors to participate in a wide variety of exciting research projects. It’s not all work, however. Having local and regional adventures are a vital component of the program.
Funded in part by the National Science Foundation , these all expenses paid, one-week experience provides undergraduate chemistry and physics majors with the necessary background to understand specialized areas of materials science. All programs involve class time and career discussions to supplement the labs, and tours of local industries illustrate the large-scale implementation of the chemical processes discussed.
Non-UO NSF REU sites in materials research